Drop by the Lazy Flamingo or the Masque in Hess Village for some Monday fun!
MOONDANCE Premium in even more LCBO’s
Cocktail Photo Shoot
Cocktail recipes photoshoot
Photographer scheduled for next week….watch our splash!
Share your recipe
Tutored Tasting & Tour for 4 at Murphy’s Law Distillery
Submit a recipe using MOONDANCE Premium for a chance to win a Tutored Tasting & Tour for 4 at Murphy’s Law Distillery in Elmira, Ontario.
Once a month, when the moon is full, we will put all the month’s recipe submissions in a draw and the lucky winner will receive a tour of the Murphy’s Law Distillery which will include a tasting of all our “shines” and lunch for 4 on us! Your recipes will be posted on our website and social media sites. You must be of drinking age to win!
This year’s full moon list is:
Jan 1- Wolf Moon, Jan 31- Snow Moon, Mar 1- Worm Moon, Mar 31- Pink Moon, April 29- Flower Moon, May 29- Strawberry Moon, June 28- Buck Moon, July 27- Sturgeon Moon, Aug 26- Corn Moon, Sept 24- Harvest Moon, Oct 24- Hunter’s Moon, Nov 23- Beaver Moon, Dec 22- Cold Moon.
Submit your recipe in the comment box below or E-MAIL it to us or Post it to our facebook page (link below)
Be Creative and Have Fun!